Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rise Above..!

Just another try to lure them ( the missing chunin) back to our clan. If they don't understand Malay, maybe I should try in English instead. Hehehehe...

What we all trying to say is that, Why be afraid of us? Spoken so tough before and now not even dare to show some guts to be in this great league of Raub Champions.

RM15 just a token for making it a spirited game. Making everyone enjoy it more intensely then ever before. There will be some goal for us to archive. Not just " bak tali pinggang", quote from Kropol. There will be proof. You can show it to your child, grand child or your wife (if she likes football, if not go to mamak watch).



  1. Amboi berabuk English..
    - cuma tak paham tentang "bak tali pinggang". hehe

  2. Good Job- A Very Mind-BLow-ing Job. Hidup BLackburn

  3. Bak Tali pinggang tu kan permintaan kropol setiap kali jumpe itik... huhuhu....

  4. on behalf of mr. yuzairi and myself (mr. khairul not included), now i announce our "open-public apologies" atau dlm bahasa Kuala Gali - "maaf secara terbuka" for our lack of discipline, not joining our group even though EPL has started for 3 weeks. Peace not war~

    "hidup Harimau Malaya"
    - mr. yuzairi

    "urat dawai tulang besi"
    - Ahli Mesyuarat Tingkap

    p/s: aku xde acc google, tumpang acc roy....ehhehe...- mr. nurulhasri

  5. Blum cukup 'terbuka' lagi tu.

    Berani persembahkanlah diri tuan hamba. Wahai pecandi nista.

    p/s: komen xperlu pun account Google. Bleh pilih Name/URL atau Anonymous
